Mind Body Spirit Healing, Career Training

Mind Body Spirit Coach Certification Program

12 Month MBS Certification Program

Learn, Practice and Train to become a certified Mind Body Spirit Life Coach or Practitioner!


  • Lead your clients to live happier, fuller and healthier lives
  • Teach others how to create and manifest the life they always dreamed of
  • Guide your clients to step into their own power
  • Learn to create a successful, profitable business you can do from home
  • Manifest a life of your desires!

The MBS coaching program is structured over 12 months and consists of the following modules:

1. Energy Module

Learn about energy, Laws of the Universe, how to apply them to your own life & shift, heal and transform your experience on the planet.

2. Mind Body Spirit Module

Practice and learn the definitive processes to heal your physical, mental and emotional bodies.

3. Advanced Intuition Module

Three days in person with both Lynnette Brown and Dr. Divi- learning and experiencing “how to wake up your       intuition”, “how to be a professional intuitive and add intuition to your coaching or business services.”

4. Light Body Module

Begin the process of waking up your light body to hold more love and light on the planet. Learn specific meditations, processes and techniques to expand your conscious awareness.

5. Money Module

Start a different conversation on money. Money is an energy- and our ability to be with the energy of money and practicing this will lead you to incredible abundance and freedom. Create an entirely different dynamic in your business and personal experience by changing your conversation around the energy we call money. Freedom from limiting beliefs and sabotage.

6. Advanced Business  Creation Module

Learn how to create a successful and inspiring business as a Mind Body Spirit Coach or practitioner. Become your own Boss!

7. Practicum

Practice your skills with 10 clients and review your sessions with Dr. Divi in order to truly integrate this work into your life and business.

For More Information

For more information, and to watch the video series previewing the course- feel free to click on:


View what others have to say…

To register or for more information – please contact us.




mind body spirit training vancouver

Level 4- Advanced Business Course

Join Dr. Divi & Lynnette Brown for a Fabulous 12 week on line journey to build your ideal business! Over 12 weeks, we will cover everything from building your brand, marketing, and how to generate a clientele.

Instructed by: Dr. Divi Chandna, Lynnette Brown

Investment: $2000


Pre-requisites: Levels 1, 2, 3

Over 12 weeks, you will learn:

  • All of the ins and outs of creating a Conscious, Spiritual Business
  • Work with the Strategic Attraction Plan we created in Levels 2 & 3 and deepen it
  • Learn how to use the Laws of the Universe to manifest your business
  • Learn how to create clients, keep clients & grow your business
  • Learn how to market, brand & put yourself on the map
  • Create the terminology of what works for YOU in your business!
  • Promote, cross promote & identify your niche and create that career
  • What your blocks are and how to navigate through them
  • Use everything you have learned in Levels 1, 2, and 3 and how to apply them to your business Now!




Payment Plans: 

3 x $700 or 4 x $600 or 10 x $280

For payment plans please email Dr. Divi

mind body spirit training vancouver

Level 3- Advanced Intuition Training

With Advanced Intuitive Training you’ll learn how emotions and belief systems impact the mind, body and life. Practitioners also tap into their intuition to provide clarity on specific emotions and beliefs that may be blocking the client’s life. Using this level in conjunction with the material from Levels 1 and 3 will completely transform your clients’ life. Level 3 is taught in a one-on-one setting with your instructor.

Instructed by: Dr. Divi Chandna, Lynnette Brown

Prerequisite: Level 1 & enrollment in Level 2

Investment: $5000


Advanced Intuition with Dr. Divi and Lynnette Brown is an amazing weekend course. They teach intuition in a fun and loving way. Jumping in fully and learning in intuition has been life changing and wonderful. I highly recommend this weekend to anyone wishing to deepen their intuitive abilities. – -Dr. Hailey Kanestar


The three day INTUITIVELY GUIDED PRACTITIONER certification training is held in person. Next location/dates TBA.

MODULE #1- Advanced Intuition and Self Healing

  • We delve deeper into how the principles of Metaphysics, the Laws of Energy, Divination, Mind Body Spirit Medicine, Self-Healing, Cognitive Science, and Laws of Attraction work with healing
  • Study advanced Chakras including how energy gets blocked and leads to illness, and how to keep the energy flowing freely
  • Understand the different modalities for accessing intuitive information: Clairaudience (Hearing), Clairvoyance (Seeing), Claircognizance, (Clear Knowing), Mediumship, Channeling, Telepathy, Telekinesis, symbols, Spirit Guides, Angeles, Ascended Masters…
  • Discover how to clear your third eye to receive clearer messages and quickly provide clarity for your clients
  • Get techniques to ‘turn’ your intuition on and off to avoid burnout
  • Learn how to protect yourself from picking up your clients’ energy
  • Refine your techniques to build client trust, maintain confidentiality, know when to refer to other mental and/or physical health practitioners

MODULE #2– Practitioner Skills

  • Select the best intuitive modalities to include in your practitioner toolbox
  • Discover how to see and interpret the intuitively guided information you receive regarding clients’ emotions, belief systems, patterns of self-sabotage, fears, anxiety, the root causes contributing to health issues …
  • Practice receiving divine guidance on actions clients can take and issues to shift in order to self-heal
  • Practice coaching others to shift and remove emotions and belief systems blocking their health (even subtle shifts can change everything)
  • Practice scanning, reading and working with auras, seeing and shifting energy
  • Experience giving and receiving intuitive readings to increase your skills and confidence
  • Recognize and shift your own emotions, belief systems, patterns of self-sabotage and fears to stay balanced
  • Tips to avoid the ‘Super Healer Syndrome’ and burnout
  • How to do intuitive readings remotely through services like Skype or email
  • How to continuing building your intuition after the course

STEP #3- Conscious Business Building

  • How to set up an intuitive coaching practice and business
  • Utilize your intuition to build and drive your divine Strategic Attraction plan
  • Intuitively know when to take action, or say no too opportunities, situations and people
  • Quickly determine things like when to hire, what to charge, where to locate…

Cost $5000 per person

3 payments of $1800 or 12 payments of $487.50

Contact us for payment plan inquiries by calling 604-739-3484 or email us.

Next intake begins Fall 2017, dates to be announced.


Yes! You can generate income while helping others!
• You will be taught how to start a business and attract in your idea clients to live the life of your dreams
• When added to Level 1 and 2 training, you will be unstoppable!
• You could establish your own business as a Coach who uses Intuition. We will even promote your service on our website. • Add Intuitive Coaching services to your existing group facilitation, health, wellness or intuitive practice.
• Intuitive Practitioners, who are well trained, are able to charge $175-$400 per hour and are sought out to truly help people heal and transform their lives.
Graduates have also applied their professional intuitive skills to other practices such as animal communication, career counselling, abundance, health, relationship and business coaching… ect
Intuition is a muscle. It can be developed and strengthened. Over three days you’ll get the tools, guidance and lots of opportunities to practice and sharpen your intuitive abilities. You also receive one-on-one feedback and coaching.
If you feel a pull or draw to this type of work then you are ready. If you still feel uncertain, fear could be getting in your way. We can help you shift these unconscious blocks. Call us at 604-739-3484.
Yes. You must successfully complete the LEVEL ONE: 3 Day weekend before enrolling in the Advanced Intuition Course
mind body spirit career training vancouver

Level 2- 6 Month Coaching

Not currently being offered

Weekend Immersion

Are you ready to heal and shift? 

Are you ready to understand the connection between our minds & emotions?

Are you curious if you could feel better?

Are you wondering if there is more to your mind & health & wellness than what you maybe doing?

This weekend can give you an idea if it is for you!

In This Weekend – you will start your immersion into Mind Body Spirit Healing .



The weekend  is designed to get you in touch with YOU.

You will get exposed to NEW concepts- New ways of thinking, New opportunities for hope, change & expansion

This is also a FABULOUS weekend if you are ever considering a path as a Mind Body Spirit Coach – you will get a real sense of what this is on the weekend.

It is often people’s first steps towards understanding themselves and starting their own healing.

Many times we ask the questions

“Who am I?” 

“Why is this happening to me?”

“Can I feel healthier?”

“How can I make this better?”

“Can I possibly shift this and be happier?”

Start  self healing, achieving greater happiness and increase your relationship with you.

What happens during the Weekend?

In this course learn 12 specific processes to help you answer these questions, practice them on yourself and practice with others. You will get a chance to help each others & yourself!

You will leave with:

-Deepen your awareness of yourself and who you are.

You will start to see your  patterns and learn techniques to change these patterns!

Feel shifts, healing within your body, mind & soul

-Profound clarity, hope & feel like there is HOPE  !

This course can be done online or in person

The course is interactive & FUN!

Instructed by: Dr. Divi Chandna

Investment: $299

Dates: Nov 17/18. Both days 10 am – 5 pm.

Location: 3270 West Broadway

Reserve your spot with the deposit or pay in full.

Full payment due 24 hours prior to the course beginning. 

If you choose to do the 12 Month Mind Body Spirit Coaching Training, the money from this course will be used towards that!

Deposit: $50

Full Payment: $299



“This course is an incredible opportunity to learn mind body spirit medicine in a very comprehensive and thorough way.  It is an incredible set of tools to help move people along their healing journey.  Dr. Divi is an amazing teacher and she has created real tool for working within mind-body-spirit work.  I use these teachings every single day.”    -Dr. Hailey Kanestar

“I just wanted to reach out to you and thank you for all you have done for me, you are such an incredible teacher and I have already learned and grown so much from this course, and it’s only the first month.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity in class last weekend to realize my own abilities and gain confidence and clarity that I really can do this that I can help, and that I am good enough.” – DI